
It all begins with a single breath. Reach a higher quality of life through Tai Chi and it’s movement meditation. With life becoming more fast paced and anxious, it is absolutely vital we give ourselves the care we need.

Benefits of Tai Chi.


Reduce your risk of falls. As people age, their proprioception, which is the ability to sense their body's position in space, tends to decline. Tai chi helps train this sense.

Brain Function

Studies have shown that tai chi may improve areas of the brain critical for memory and cognitive function. Tai chi also requires learning new movements and memorizing specific sequences, all of which can create fresh connections in the brain.

Muscle Strength

Tai chi enhances both lower and upper-body strength. It can yield results similar to resistance training through its slow movements, even though it doesn't involve weights or bands. The practice can also enhance core muscles, and strengthen your body without added pressure to the joints.